Designing a data center that provides critical services for a business with minimal downtime is no small task. It is a complex job that requires a lot of strategy and insight. With the rise of new technologies like cloud computing, data center design is constantly evolving. There is no perfect formula for designing a data center the right way, but there are certain key elements that should be considered. By keeping the key elements of data center design in mind, you will be well on your way towards creating a reliable data center that operates smoothly on a regular basis.


Efficient Use of Space

One of the most important considerations to make when you are focused on data center design is the actual physical amount of space you have to house your data center. Making the most out of the space you have is crucial. One of the newest design trends is to take things vertical by using racks to build data center density up. Using racks efficiently allows you to put more equipment in the same amount of square footage. You can achieve a greater return on investment for your floor space by investing in heavy-duty racks and cabinets to house your data center. Also, try to consider future additions to your data center space by creating a flexible and scalable data center design.



When it comes down to it, data center performance is the metric that most businesses are concerned with. The infrastructure of your data center will have a direct impact on the entire network’s performance, so it can really pay off to spend the necessary time planning things out the right way. If you want to maximize the performance of your data center, consider things like cable management, racks and cabinets, and airflow management. The sooner you start thinking through performance, the better your data center design will be.


Physical Security

One of the key elements of data center design that often gets overlooked is physical security. Any reliable data center will be physically safeguarded at all times. Making sure that only authorized personnel are able to enter and exit the data center is a crucial design component. Most thieves understand that a company’s most valuable asset oftentimes lies within their data center, so planning out a security system featuring locks, alarms, and backup power for the security system is a good place to start. Neglecting this key element of data center design can be disastrous.


Deployment Time

Time is money in the business world, and the same can be said for data center design. Trying to optimize deployment time in your data center is absolutely essential during the design phase. Think about how you can design the data center in a way that will allow its infrastructure to support changes over time. Modular racks are a great option since they allow for easy assembly and have large weight thresholds for future infrastructure additions. Integrated pathways and allowing for straightforward cable management are also great ways to improve the overall deployment time of the data center while allowing for scaling in the future.


These key elements of data center design can help you maximize productivity and create an infrastructure that is ready to perform today as well as in the future.